Month | Date and time | Title | Registration link | Presentors | Language |
April | 25.04.2024
11:00-12:00 | Авторовите профили в Web of Science: създаване, управление и персонализиране. | SWebinar250424 | Rumiana Sokolova, Clarivate`representative in Bulgaria | Bulgarian |
May | 8.5.2024
16:00-17:00 21.05.2024 11:00-12:00 29.5.2024 16:00-17:00 | Search, find, cite: tips for literature reviews Managing your Scopus author profile How to compose compelling abstracts, posters and presentations for science conferences | Webinar080524 Webinar210524 Webinar290524 | Lyudmila Tomova, Central Medical Library Director
Tsvetelina Velikova, MD, Editor at Central Medical Library Alison Ferrett Customer Success Manager ELSEVIER | Research Intelligence Tsvetelina Velikova, MD, Editor at Central Medical Library | English English English |
June | 12.6.2024
16:00-17:00 19.6.2024 16:00-17:00 | Рецензенти и автори: даване и приемане на критика Работата в екип и съавторството: кой, кога и как | 120624 190624 | Tsvetelina Velikova, MD, Editor at Central Medical Library Tsvetelina Velikova, MD, Editor at Central Medical Library | Bulgarian Bulgarian |
Octo-ber | 02.10.2024 16:00-17:00 23.10.2024 16:00-17:00 | Make the most of your publication: Tips for promoting your research За наукометрич- ните показатели и алтметрия: количество и качество | | Tsvetelina Velikova, MD, Editor at Central Medical Library Lyudmila Tomova, Central Medical Library Director Tsvetelina Velikova, MD, Editor at Central Medical Library | English Bulgarian |
Novem-ber | 13.11.2024
16:00 - 17:00 | Етика в публикуването: хора, животни и изкуствен интелект | To be confirmed | Tsvetelina Velikova, MD, Editor at Central Medical Library | Bulgarian |
Nov / Dec | 27.11.2024 или 04.12.2024
16:00-17:00 | Процесът на съставяне на систематичен обзор | To be confirmed | Nia Mileva, MD | Bulgarian |
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