Медицински мениджмънт и здравна политика
(Medical Management and Health Policy / Meditsinski menidgmant i zdravna politika)
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ISSN: 1312-0336
Language: Bulgarian, with abstracts in English
Publisher: Central Medical Library, Medical University – Sofia
Publication timeframe: 3 issues annually
Indexed in: EBSCO
Executive secretary: Ms Veselka Tsakleva
e-mail: v.tsakleva@cml.mu-sofia.bg тел. 02/952 05 16
Specialized journal with original cases, literature reviews and abstracts of foreign scientific medical publications in the fields of Social Medicine, Health Economics, Medical Informatics and Health Management, Pharmacoeconomics, Medical Pedagogy, Occupational Medicine and Occupational Diseases.
There are no publication fees.