Български медицински журнал
(Bulgarian Medical Journal / Balgarski meditsinski jurnal)
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ISSN: 1313-1516
Language: Bulgarian, with abstracts in English
Publisher: Central Medical Library, Medical University – Sofia
Publication timeframe: 4 issues/year
Indexed in: GlobalHealthDatabase and EBSCO
Executive secretary: Ms Svetla Tsvetanova
Multidisciplinary journal which entails original scientific and practical cases, literature reviews on modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The section on difficult diagnostic and rare cases includes descriptions of clinical cases from all age groups and different medical specialties. Accepted guidelines and consensuses for the diagnosis and treatment of socially important diseases are presented, as well as columns such as "Eminent Physicians", "Guest Authors", "Letter to the Editor", etc.
There are no publication fees.
The editorial board in international.