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Frequently asked question

Check the opening hours of our reading rooms and other departments here.

The library is closed on Bulgarian public holidays, and on other non-teaching days as announced by the Medical University – Sofia. Every last week of each month we close some our reading halls for deep cleaning and maintenance. 

The Central Medical Library has two buildings, which are located in the Alexandrovska Hospital campus.

Reading premises, book starage halls and the Library and Information Department are located in our main building, located to the right of the main entrance of Alexandrovska hospital after the building of the Internal Clinic and between the Post Office and the Clinic of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

The Scientific Medical Information (Publishing Services) and Financial Accounting Departments are located next to the administrative building of Alexandrovska Hospital. 

Library services are available for students, doctoral students, medical residents, teaching and administrative staff of the Medical University of Sofia as well as external users.

Necessary documents for registration and re-registration:
● For students: certified student ID by the Medical University of Sofia and a national ID card;
● For teaching and administration staff, doctoral students and residents of the Medical University of Sofia: a document certifying the workplace and a national ID card.
● For retired staff of the Medical University of Sofia and external users: national ID card.

Only books marked as “available for borrowing/ налична за заемане" in the e-catalog may be borrowed, from Reading Room 2 (Loan Office) with an active library card. These are usually textbooks and study manuals, available in larger number of copies.

All journals, 3D anatomic models, reference books, dissertations, and single-copy books are available for on-site use only.
Students may borrow up to 12 books at a time, each for up to 1 calendar year.

Lecturers, PhD students, graduate students and university employees may borrow up to 3 books at a time, each for a period of up to 30 calendar days. 

Renewals can be made only once (respectively for a further period of 1 year or 30 days), provided that the books are not requested by another reader at the time of renewal. Please bring the books with you when you wish to extend their loan period!

No. Users must renew loans in person so that the books can be seen and checked by a librarian.

In case of loss or damage, a duplicate card is issued against payment, according to the price list.

Yes, these services are available for library items only. Please refer to the price list.

In case of loss or damage of a library item, within a month the user must either replace it with the latest edition or with another similar item at the discretion of a librarian. If this is not possible, the user must pay a compensation fee equal to no less than the double market price of the lost item. In case neither of these is met, the user will no longer be able to use any of the library and information services.

A fast WiFi Internet connection is available throughout the whole building. You can bring in your own books, laptops and mobile devices (sound must be turned off).

You may use our desktop computers in the computer hall for teaching and research purposes, provided you do not make any changes to the hardware or software, connect external devices to them, or access and download online content that is contrary to Section VIII of the Library Regulations

We welcome donations, gifts and sponsorships that may help us improve the resources and services we provide to our patrons, including:

● Scientific medical literature, which fits the library profile, is up-to-date and valuable in content. Please email us a list in advance. At the discretion of a librarian and with the consent of the donor, copies which will not be included in our collections may be made available free of charge to other libraries or to our patrons.
Financial or material donations, including equipment, machinery and software to improve the conditions of the reading halls and services.

You can also support the library by becoming a volunteer, participating in our cleaning, moving and maintance projects or by taking part in our surveys and focus groups.

Your help is greatly appreciated! Get in touch now

Central Medical Library,
Medical University Sofia
1 Sv. G. Sofiyski Str.
Sofia 1431, Bulgaria

Contact us
T +359 2 952 31 71
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